Creative Web Solutions For Any Sized Project!

Everyone has a story to tell, and at JuntoSoft, we specialize in helping you tell yours through your website.

With over 25 years of experience in website design and database development since the inception of the World Wide Web, we have witnessed the evolution of technology and its incredible capabilities. In a world captivated by Artificial Intelligence, we firmly believe in the power of authenticity and genuine understanding.

Just like the timeless tale of Saint George slaying the dragon, technology can sometimes feel like a daunting and overwhelming beast. But fear not! We confidently wield WordPress, the leading web development platform powering 28% of all websites. It is a proven, flexible, and powerful tool that can authentically narrate your story and engage your viewers, ultimately leading them to take action. Once operational, WordPress serves as a platform for all sorts of organizational uses beyond web publishing.

Let your unique story guide your website visitors towards a compelling call to action. Allow us to join you in your quest to create a captivating online presence that truly reflects who you are and what you are here to do. Embrace the power of technology and we will conquer chaos and disorder together!


Over 25 Years Developing Claris FileMaker database management systems.

I create Back-end integration with FileMaker and MySQL-powered  websites using either my custom ETL engine or API calls to other applications.

Beyond Your Standard E-Commerce

Not Every Product You Sell Is A "Widget!"

A lot of E-Commerce storefronts consider every product as a Widget that just gets added to a standard shopping cart. But what about individuals registering for classes as a group on one order?

What about gathering additional details that don’t always fit into a standard set of fields?

And after an order is placed, what then? What about order fulfillment and individualized responses to multiple parties? What about automating responses or order pick lists?

I help organizations accomplish this!

You Are in Business Because You Are Unique
If you look just like everyone else, you look like no one.

Too many template-like websites look and work exactly the same way. If your website looks exactly like others, how will your organization be set apart?

Authenticity is a term often used to describe something that is genuine, true, and real. Authenticity represents honesty, integrity, and a sense of purpose. One of my primary goals is to tell clients’ stories in authentic, purposeful ways. This is your real path to success!

Mobile First

Varied Devices

Have you noticed how terrible many mainstream websites are when using mobile devices, such as a phone or tablet? Most are an absolute mess!

Many organizations are missing out on all the potential benefits of serving mobile users because their websites not device-specific in the content that’s delivered.

You deserve better! Let’s talk about that!

Let’s Build Something!

Let’s talk about your project. We’re here to help!

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